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Therapeutic Apheresis

Apheresis means "to take away" and describes a procedure of extracorporeal targeted removal of blood components and disease-causing substances from the blood or plasma. In traditional forms of medicine and natural healing, detoxification is the basis of every therapy.

About 100 billion cells work together in the human body. Every single cell is a miracle with an incalculable number of reactions. The smooth interaction of all cells can hardly be comprehended and is a masterpiece of nature.

Inflammatory substances, increased blood lipids e.g. cholesterol, blood sugar, autoantibodies, oxidative and nitrosative stress and its end products, AGEs (advanced glycation end products), excessive immune reactions, acids and much more disturb this balance and play a major role in the development of many diseases as well as in the premature aging process of the organism.

In addition, our organism nowadays is exposed to an incalculable number of environmental toxins such as organic solvents, pesticides, insecticides, aerosols or heavy metals and microplastics for whose amount of toxic substances our body is not prepared.


The increasing stress from the environment as well as deficits in body’s own metabolism lead to a growing strain on the organism and cells. The consequences include chronic inflammations, a weak immune system and lack of energy.


It is our conviction and experience that the treatment of chronic diseases should start with a purification of the organism from environmental as well as body‘s own toxins. This is the first step in a holistic therapy and base for following regenerative therapies and treatments.

Detoxification refers not only to environmental toxins such as organic solvents, pesticides, heavy metals but also to toxins that lead to chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders, degenerative diseases or malignant neoplasms. The purification of environmental toxins as well as toxins of all kinds is the first step into a holistic therapy.


The therapeutic apheresis is a double membrane filtration apheresis and has been in use as a procedure in medicine worldwide for over 25 years.

During our therapeutic apheresis the plasma is separated from the blood and thermally warmed to optimize the filtration performance before being purified in the cascade filter.

​Depending on the indication therapeutic apheresis allows various types of extracorporeal removal of harmful substances from the blood,


The organism is freed from heavy metals, harmful metabolic products, solvents as well as toxic substances. Pathogenic components and pathological autoimmune antibodies can be specifically filtered out of the body with the help of therapeutic apheresis, necessary substances remain in the blood and usually do not have to be substituted.


This cleanses the capillaries and improves the flow properties of the blood. As a result, the oxygen supply to all organs increases. At the same time, there is a significant reduction in inflammatory substances such as CRP, as well as cholesterol and blood lipids. Good blood circulation and thus oxygen supply to the organs is the basic requirement for any form of healing and regeneration.


The treatment is generally very well tolerated.


Examples of indications for therapeutic apheresis

Therapeutic apheresis has a very wide range of applications. For example, diseases in which metabolic disorders and/or toxic exposure to environmental toxins play a causative role. This is a large part of chronic diseases.

Complaints after a Covid-19 infection or health problems after vaccination can be based on high levels of inflammatory substances, activation of coagulation and antibodies against structures of the nervous system. Apheresis can reduce these loads. If the symptoms are severe, multiple sessions may be necessary.

Modern disease syndromes such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical hypersensitivity (MCS), fibromyalgia or physical forms of burnout respond similarly well to apheresis as Post-Covid.


Heart muscle inflammations and thromboses of the coronary vessels with subsequent heart attacks are not only a major problem in the Post-Covid period. Apheresis can also be helpful by reducing inflammatory substances and improving microcirculation.

Chronic inflammations can improve with apheresis by reducing inflammatory substances and mobilising the immune system. These include inflammations of the internal organs such as the intestines, heart or lungs, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system in the form of inflammations of the joints, muscles or tendons. Lyme disease is a common indication here.

The rapidly increasing autoimmune diseases go in the same direction. They can also affect all internal organs, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. The inflammations here are mainly triggered by autoimmune antibodies. The interrelations to chronic inflammations, to environmental stresses and chronic infections are fluid.

Common examples are Crohn‘s disease or ulcerative colitis for the gut, multiple sclerosis for the nervous system or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for the joints. Many rheumatism patients already notice a significant improvement in mobility after one apheresis.

Degenerative diseases of the nervous system are constantly increasing. The causes are manifold and often not known in the final analysis. There is a close relationship to autoimmune disorders and environmental stress. Well-known examples are Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson‘s disease. Apheresis can also have positive effects on polyneuropathies.


Pollution from the environment

Apheresis is a causal therapy for all kinds of environmental stress. The number of toxins from the environment runs into the hundreds of thousands. Mercury, lead or aluminum often play a major role.


How many of these can cause health disorders is unknown. In addition, the first symptoms of slow poisoning with environmental toxins are initially non-specific. Therefore, they are often not seen as triggers of diseases or are played down.


In addition, there are exposures in certain professional groups. One example is the evaporation of plastics, which we find especially in aero planes and which predominantly affects flight personnel and frequent flyers. Microplastics, which are increasingly found in the supernatants/filtrates of apheresis, also play a growing role.


One of the special achievements of apheresis is that environmental toxins do not have to be known in detail in order to be filtered out.


Furthermore, apheresis can have a very great preventive potential in order to reduce possible triggers for developing disease processes at an early stage.



Therapeutic apheresis is the first step of a holistic therapy. It can be combined with all therapies and treatments that we offer.

Intravenous laser therapy deserves special mention. It has proven particularly effective when the blood is contaminated with viruses or bacteria. For this we use therapy lasers in the sense of photodynamic laser therapy. The laser probe is used here during apheresis in the shunt to the tube system and can continuously act on the blood. 

Another proven combination is our specific infusions. Especially in the case of inflammation, lack of energy or pain conditions the appropriate infusions can be administered during or after apheresis.

The list of indications is intended to give you an idea of what apheresis can do. The field of application is extremely versatile and is constantly expanding.

If you have not discovered your health problems here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The therapy costs will be determined in a personal consultation with the doctors from the German Centre for Cell Therapy and are based on the individual treatment requirements for the best possible result.


If you do not wish to undergo the apheresis therapy after the consultation, the consultation costs will be 183,61 €. The apheresis therapy will take place at a later date.

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